lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

China, Fujian, ecological architecture and public parks

China: Architecture integrated to the landscape for the welfare of the people.

China is advancing in the construction of works that demonstrate the level of development of the country, at the same time that it consolidates like economic power.

The construction of gigantic engineering works, brutal and aggressive with the environment, is compensated by architectural works integrated with nature and that make life more pleasant. One of these works is an elevated footbridge that allows to walk through several parks, enjoying the landscape and of a pleasant company.

This trail, fully integrated with the environment, is 19 kilometers long, joins several public parks and allows to reach the Jinniu mountain. This work is located in the city of Fuzhou, capital of Fujian province. The pictures speak for themselves, and surely you would have the desire to be in this place. I also recognize that in some things the Chinese are masters.


China's Fuzhou builds sight-seeing footpath linking several parks, October 2017

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