viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

Nikola Tesla the world's largest engineering

Nikola Tesla, engineer and scientist, greatest of the great

Nikola Tesla is the paradigm of engineer and scientist, not only because of the immense and significant contributions in their professional field, the ability to see the future, but for the personal philosophy that revealed a creative, generous soul, devoid of ambition, which he sought the benefit of mankind. Someone exemplary in every way, so I said one of my favorite heroes, alongside Leonardo da Vinci, another creative visionary.

Nikola Tesla (НиколаТесла) was born in Smiljan, Austria-Hungary, now Croatia, on July 10, 1856, he died in New York on January 7, 1943. He was an inventor, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer and physicist with numerous inventions field of electromagnetism, developed in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Tesla's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern electric power systems for alternating current (AC), including the polyphase system of electrical distribution and the AC motor, prompting the Second Industrial Revolution.

Tesla began to study electrical engineering at the University of Graz, Austria, in 1875. There he studied the uses of alternating current. In December 1878 he left Graz, broke away from his family and went to Maribor (Slovenia) where he worked as an assistant engineer for a year.

In the summer of 1880 he attended the Charles University in Prague; where he received lessons from Ernst Mach.

Tesla spent his time reading many works, memorizing complete books, and who possessed a photographic memory. In his autobiography he recounted that sometimes experienced detailed moments of inspiration.

During his childhood he suffered several episodes of a peculiar disease, which had visions and perceived light beams; these visions were linked to a word or idea he was about his head; Sometimes he found the solution to problems that had been raised. Upon hearing the name of an object, you could visualize very realistic. Synesthesia has similar symptoms. Tesla would visualize an invention in his brain with extreme precision, with all dimensions, without drawings or diagrams, before building the object. It is called visual thinking.

In 1882 he moved to Paris to work as an engineer in Continental Compaña Edison (Thomas Alva Edison Company), designing improvements to electric equipment. That year he conceived the induction motor and began developing various devices that used the rotating magnetic field, for which he received patents in 1888.

In 1884 he arrived in New York with a letter of recommendation from Charles Batchelor, a former employer. The letter of recommendation to Thomas Edison, Batchelor wrote, "I know two great men, you are one of them; the other is this young man. " Edison hired Tesla to work on his Edison Machine Works. He started working as an electrical engineer and progressed quickly, solving company problems. He was responsible for the redesign of DC generators.

At the Universal Exposition in Chicago in 1893, Tesla and George Westinghouse introduced the AC system that was used to light exposure. fluorescent lamps and bulbs Tesla single node is displayed.

In 1894 he demonstrated the wireless communication via radio waves, built the first radio and then to impose his idea of ​​alternating current, was recognized as one of the greatest electrical engineers in the United States.

Tesla's fame rivaled that of any other inventor or scientist in history, but due to his eccentric personality and his statements about the possible development of scientific and technological innovations, Tesla was finished relegated and considered a mad scientist. Radio patent was filed in 1897, but Marconi (which poked Edison patents) filed a plagiarized copy, which led to a dispute between Marconi and Tesla. Only in 1943, the court Supreme Court of the United States of America concluded that Tesla was the inventor. The conspiracy against him, Tesla was ignored and Marconi erroneously listed as creator of the radio.

Some of his studies could not be deciphered by others, because of its complexity. Tesla devised the documents in his head, it was enough to have the image of the object without knowing how it worked. It was also a visionary, and we can cite the example about the Smartphone. Tesla said:

"When we get to perfection implement wireless technology, the whole Earth will become a huge brain (...) We will be able to communicate with each other instantly, regardless of distance. Not only that: through television and telephony we will be able to see us and hear each other as perfectly as if it were face to face, although involving a distance of thousands of kilometers. And the instruments through which we can do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man can carry one in his vest pocket "

He had no connection with any woman, but that did not stop to recognize their value and potential at the time that the woman was relegated. The name "Queen Bees" (Queen bees) and in 1926 said:

"This struggle of the human female for gender equality will end with a new sexual order, with the female as superior. It will not be through physical imitation of men and women get equal then the superiority first, but with the awakening of intelligence of women "

Tesla wrote books and articles for magazines and newspapers. Among his books are My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla and The Tesla Papers.

Tesla many jobs are available in the network, including the article "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy," published in The Century Magazine in 1900, and the article "Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency".

Inventions and discoveries of Tesla

Some of them were attributed to others, pettiness, conspiracy and aimed at humiliating his great work, being iconoclastic and not get into the game of corporate interests.

- Alternating current. Tesla Edison hated by the superiority of these on the direct current.
- Radio (wrongfully and maliciously attributed to Marconi).
- Wireless transfer of electrical energy by electromagnetic waves. The project Wardenclyffe tower would allow the creation of a global system of communications, but failed for lack of funding.
- No filament light bulb or fluorescent lamp.
- Electrotherapy or diagnostic devices (X-ray generator of a single electrode).
- Bladeless turbine, operated by fluid friction.
- Tesla Coil: delivering output a high voltage power and high frequency.

Tesla, visionary and creator of science and technology also contributed to the development of robotics, remote control, radar, aircraft lift, computer science, ballistics, nuclear physics and theoretical physics.


The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Marconi for inventing the radio in 1909, but did not deserve it, but the press reported that Edison and Tesla would share the Nobel Prize in 1915. Edison, who had already played him dirty before, he tried to will minimize the achievements of Tesla and refused to share the prize. By envy and meanness of Edison, none won despite his great contributions to science.

Later, Tesla was just awarded the Edison Medal, the highest distinction of IEEE.
Other notables, but mediocre against the immense intelligence and moral values ​​Tesla inventors took advantage of their jobs to earn honors and undeserved fame. We can say that their discoveries, inventions, contributions and predictions enabled the development of electrical civilization in which we still live.

It incomprehensible the treatment Tesla, despite the enormous importance of their work, comparable to that of its rivals Thomas A. Edison and Guglielmo Marconi, both fans flip through their patents. Tesla, the epitome of romantic genius, obsessed with his work and away from worldly affairs, had bad luck in business and lost the historical merit of their contributions in favor of other more greedy and skillful traders inventors.

Tesla, the brilliant inventor, a man of his time, the flamboyant seductive, the visionary, the superhero. Beyond the tangible importance of his legacy, Tesla is a deeply inspiring figure in many respects. Nikola Tesla, as a man who touched the sky has a place in history. Its vision sought to change the world, and the world changed the image and likeness of his vision.

A video to learn the truth of the conspiracy against Tesla (Edison, envious of his success and intelligence, was one of the promoters, Marconi received an award unearned)


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